report output in excel format with hiding report header. But need to display report header while printing the report output. Is this possible in cognos?
Thanks in advance for your guidance.
The report header should appear as the first row when you use Excel output. It always has for me. If you are asking if it can appear in the header section of the excel document, I never found a way to make it happen.
If you are maintaining a report that someone else created, and you are finding that the report header in the report is not appearing in the first row in excel, check to see if the report header has a block or a conditional block in it that is conditionally rendering based on the output type. If it is, you can modify it to render the block when you output to excel.
Thanks. But-
this is a new report- on excel output-
condition is report header should display at time of printing not at beginning.
so is this feasible in Cognos?
I don't believe you can accomplish that with Cognos.
You might be able to create a macro in excel that takes the first row and puts in the header in excel, then deletes the first row.