Hi ,
I want to have a report that shows all the weeks for this year.
How do I get it to automatically start from the beginning of the active year (without hard coding a filter that say fiscal week >= "2012" as this is only temporary until following year)
Any Idea..
you could try to extract the actual year from the current_date or sysdate, give it to a paramerter and filter a data item with that parameter.
sth like year(current_date) = paramblabla, then filter for it.
So you always get the actual year.
But honestly, i would create relative times (YTD and so on) in framework manager/ on etl side
cheerz :P
Thanks Charon:)
Extract wont work as it gives the result as integer
I tried cast and its not working
Do you use timestamps or relative times?
Relational or dimensional?
how does your date data item looks like, and what filter /param expression did you try?
Its a dimensional report..
Hi Charon
Sorry to bother in between. Even we have the similar scenario like YTD reports. I am intrested to know how this can actually be done on the FWM side as I am completely unaware of this. We are using Relational data.
Thanks in advance...
first of all, i would like to recommend to model your relational data dimensional (star schema)...
once done, try this (applying to vivek as well)
cheers :P