I need to filter data based on Groups that will display in a package. For example:
I have a SALES query subject that I want all users to have the ability to view in COGNOS ReportNet. There is a query item in this SALES query subject called VENDOR_CODE. If the user is in the 'Sales_Mngmnt' Group, I want them to be able to view ANY and ALL data in the SALES query subject. However, I want everyone who is NOT in the 'Sales_Mngmnt' Group (anyone in any of the other Groups) to only have the ability to view data that does NOT have a SALES.VENDOR_CODE = '999AA'.
I realize that this needs to be done in Framework Manager. I'm guessing that this will require somehow using the CSVIdentityName macro function. However, I have to admit, even after reading the sections in the Framework Manager guide about 'Using the CSVIdenity Macro Function', and the 'Create a Parameter Map' section, that I'm having trouble understanding how/where to actually implement this function.
What do I enter as values for the 'KEY' and 'VALUE' in my parameter map for this?
When creating the filter on the SALES query subject, I click on the 'Parameters' tab in the 'Available Components' window, and I see the 'Parameter Maps', 'Session Parameters', and 'Macro Functions'. From here, I'm not sure as to what to do.
Am I even on the right track? If so, can anyone help me from here?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
You probably don't need to bother using the CSVIdentity macro function here. Just right-click on the SALES query subject and use the Create Security Filter option.
Add in two groups - 'everyone' and 'Sales_Mngmnt'. Create an embedded filter for the 'everyone' group with the syntax [namespace].[SALES].[VENDOR_CODE] <> '999AA' and create another embedded filter for the 'ales_Mngmnt' group with the syntax [namespace].[SALES].[VENDOR_CODE] = '999AA'
Republish your packages and you should have the result you are looking for - anyone belonging to the 'Sales_Mngmnt' group will also belong to the 'everyone group' and will get the sum of their privileges. Anyone else will not see rows with VENDOR_CODE '999AA'
Best regards,