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Legacy Business Intelligence => COGNOS ReportNet => Framework Manager => Topic started by: CArnold40 on 23 Jan 2007 10:09:35 AM

Title: Filtering data in a package based on Groups
Post by: CArnold40 on 23 Jan 2007 10:09:35 AM
I need to filter data based on Groups that will display in a package. For example:
I have a SALES query subject that I want all users to have the ability to view in COGNOS ReportNet. There is a query item in this SALES query subject called VENDOR_CODE. If the user is in the 'Sales_Mngmnt' Group, I want them to be able to view ANY and ALL data in the SALES query subject. However, I want everyone who is NOT in the 'Sales_Mngmnt' Group (anyone in any of the other Groups) to only have the ability to view data that does NOT have a SALES.VENDOR_CODE = '999AA'.

I realize that this needs to be done in Framework Manager. I'm guessing that this will require somehow using the CSVIdentityName macro function. However, I have to admit, even after reading the sections in the Framework Manager guide about 'Using the CSVIdenity Macro Function', and the 'Create a Parameter Map' section, that I'm having trouble understanding how/where to actually implement this function.

What do I enter as values for the 'KEY' and 'VALUE' in my parameter map for this?
When creating the filter on the SALES query subject, I click on the 'Parameters' tab in the 'Available Components' window, and I see the 'Parameter Maps', 'Session Parameters', and 'Macro Functions'. From here, I'm not sure as to what to do.

Am I even on the right track? If so, can anyone help me from here?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Filtering data in a package based on Groups
Post by: MFGF on 01 Feb 2007 11:16:04 AM

You probably don't need to bother using the CSVIdentity macro function here.  Just right-click on the SALES query subject and use the Create Security Filter option.

Add in two groups - 'everyone' and 'Sales_Mngmnt'. Create an embedded filter for the 'everyone' group with the syntax [namespace].[SALES].[VENDOR_CODE] <> '999AA' and create another embedded filter for the 'ales_Mngmnt' group with the syntax [namespace].[SALES].[VENDOR_CODE] = '999AA'

Republish your packages and you should have the result you are looking for - anyone belonging to the 'Sales_Mngmnt' group will also belong to the 'everyone group' and will get the sum of their privileges.  Anyone else will not see rows with VENDOR_CODE '999AA'

Best regards,