I'm a newbie in Data Manager I'm hardly finding any tutorials to begin with. I have a new task at my work, I have no clue how to go about it. Pleas anyone can suggest me any material or training.. whatever possible, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance.
I believe IBM/Cognos runs some 3 or 5 day courses on DM in Manchester or somewhere in the Midlands.
Assuming you have a good background in SQL and know what you're trying to accomplish with regards to columns and table changes that's probably a good place to start.
Quote from: S2000 on 22 Feb 2012 09:19:11 AM
I believe IBM/Cognos runs some 3 or 5 day courses on DM in Manchester or somewhere in the Midlands.
Have you attended one? Who was the instructor? If it was recently, I'd guess Salim. If it was longer ago, then perhaps Owen, Andrew or the other one - Mark I think.