How best can interpret this.Could someone explain in easy way.
running-difference ( numeric_expr [ at exp {, expr }
] [ <for-option> ] [ prefilter ] )
running-difference ( [ distinct ] numeric_expr [ <for-option>
] [ prefilter ] )
<for-option> ::= for expr {, expr } | for report | auto
Returns a running difference by row, calculated as the difference between the value for the current row and the preceding row, (including the current row) for a set of values. The "<for-option>" defines the scope of the function. The "at" option defines the level of aggregation and can be used only in the context of relational datasources.
Example: running-difference ( Qty )
Result: For each row, returns the quantity and a running difference between the value for the current row and the preceding row.
also check this Document
Thanks HalfBloodPrince.I am confused with all these braces{,[,( ) all i know is {} is optional.Thanks alot again.
Could anyone tell me where I can get this pdf?