When I hover over a dimension or measure in the Insertable objects pane in either Query Studio or Report Studio, right now it displays the dimension name or measure name.
I want to change that to display a description. How do I change that? Anybody done that before?
Please helpÃ, ???
go into the project in Framework Mgr. Then select the query item you want to add the descrition to. The properties box opens at the bottom and from there you can enter a Screen Tip. After you re-publish the package go into QS or RS, and as you hover over the query item the screen tip will show what you typed in Framework Mgr.
hope this helps
Thanks a lot jguevin, got that working. My second challenge is to extract screentips from an excel spread sheet and populating them in FM mgr(want to avoid manually typing the screen tips say for over 200 query items)