I have a list report and placed a Text item for text item needs to put tooltip and max tooltip show 20-25 secs with javascript.
Would u plz advise for javascript for tooltip.(Req is Atleast it will show 25 secs)
Thanks in Advance
guys anbody assistme ..
Unlock the cells
then in column in which you want to put tool tip add a HTML item before . in that type
<Span title=" (Whatever text u want to show in tool tip)">
then after the column also add a HTML item as </span>
Quote from: dwsudheer on 09 Feb 2012 04:10:43 AM
guys anbody assistme ..
You posted on a forum expecting an immediate answer?
Thanks for Reply! Here my tooltip is showing only for 5-7 sec only..but client req is atleast tooltip show min 25-30 sec..please advise
Do we need to write any javascript for this
This is more of a JavaScript problem than a Cognos one. Check out http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/nicetitle/
Quote from: Grim on 09 Feb 2012 07:19:20 AM
You posted on a forum expecting an immediate answer?
That is why desperate members even add 'urgent' to the Subject header lest we forget they are in dire straits ;)