I an new to Transformer. I created one cube. mdc file has been created. I wanted that to be appear in Cognos connection so that I can see it using Powerplay web explorer.
How can I do this.
You have options, but I need to know what version of Transformer and Cognos you are using.
8.3 and below = BOOOO-URNS, cause it's messy due to cubeswap.bat/sh crap and junk and stuff
8.4 and above = WOOHOO! cause you can use the new Deployment options with the "-g" command line option.
Thanks for the reply.
Both Transformer and Cognos are 8.4.1
Alrighty then. 8)
To publish your cubes just add them as a data source in Cognos Administration. When you run through the Data source wizard steps it will ask you if you want to publish a package, say yes, and it's done.
Now, going forward after this has been done and you move to building the cubes using command line all you need to do is specify the "-g" option on the command line provided you've configured the "deployment" tab options in the cube properties.
More info here (Page 186 for publish, and 212 for deployment tab stuff):
Thanks for the help Grim.
I would like to know how to set drill through to tranformer cube.
I read the user guide. In cognos 8 version, we have to set target report in Drill-through Definitions.
I have a report created in Cognos connection. But I am not able to set this in Drill-through definitions. When I see the drill through definistions tab, I don't see any reports there.
C8 and C10 isn't like Series 7 cubes with drill defs in the cube.
What exactly are you trying to do?
Relational report(Report Studio) drill to a Dimensional (Cube) report(Report Studio and/or Analysis Studio)?
I want to drill through to a relational package based report from Cube.
The Cube is pusblished through powerplay enterprise server. I open the cube using Powerplay web explorer and once I click the drill through option... it should go to that report
Check these out:
That should help get you started.
Thanks a lot Grim. This links helped a lot to start.
Now I am followed the steps of 3rd link (OLAP to Relational Package).
I have a cube cube1. I have relational package relpkg1.
using relpkg1, I created drill through report dt_rpt1. I saved that in relpkg1 -> drill throughs folder.
I came to cube cube1. In properties -> Drill through tab I enabled option "allow drill through for this power cube". I added Drill through target as D:\dt_cbrpt1 (Here when I try to add, it's asking me for .crr file) but I have given our report name.
I saved the cube cube1 and published this as package.
I went to cognos connection, go to cube1 package. Launched the dril through definition and set the drill through target as relpkg1 -> drill throughs -> dt_rpt1 and saved this definition as dt_cbrpt1.
Now the process completed
To test this, I opened Power play. I selected the report and clicked drill through Icon.
I am getting the error
"There are no drill through targets available. verify your seletion or confirm that drill through available at this level."
where went wrong here.
I think I need to republish the cube through Powerplay enterprise server as I enabled the drill through. Let me do it and try it.
The same process followed using Analysis studio worked well. So I guess I need to republish the cube.