We are currently on 8.4.1, and I am planning on going to IBM Cognos BI Administration training. There is a class for version 8.4 and a class for version 10.1. Any time I go for training, I prefer to get the latest and greatest. At the same time, are the differences significant between the two versions, such that I would not learn much that is relevant to our 8.4.1 environment?
Also, I assume the IBM Cognos Administrator certification will be based strictly off of version 10.1, right? If I am interested in the certification, then I probably need to keep this in mind. It looks like this is COG-622. When looking at the IBM training site, there is reference to a certified administrator from the 8.4 Administrator role, but when clicking on the page, there is no relevant certification. I assume COG-622 is the only option...is that right?
Also, has anyone gone to the Administration: Architecture and Logging class (2 days)? I come from a Planning background, but I am the sole resource for supporting our entire 8.4.1 (BI and Planning) environment. I am wondering how beneficial this class is for me, or if it might be more beneficial than the 3-day administration class, as we have had the environment up and running (not necessarily running well, the whole time) for roughly 1 year.
I appreciate any help you can offer, as I need to make a decision fairly quickly.
Everything you learn in 10.1.1 training is applicable to 8.4.1. There may be minor differences as there are a few new items in 10.1.1 that are not in 8.4.1 but the just of it is the same.
You can also ask the instructor to point out the differences of 10.1.1 to 8.4.1. If they are a good instructor and know wtf they are talking about they will.
That is what I was expecting, but then I was surprised that it did not suggest that in the course description and that they are still offering a course for v8.4.
Any insight on the Architecture and Logging class?
My original comment still stands. The major new thing you'll learn is DQA which is only in 10.1.x.
Sorry. I'm not asking about differences between 8.4 and 10.1 with the Architecture and Logging class. I'm asking about the value of the class. It sounds like it is more focused around troubleshooting and maintaining the environment, which sounds like it would be completely relevant. At the same time, I've been exposed to some of this, already. Just not formally. My expectation is that it would teach me more/better tools for fixing and improving our environment...
Oh, totally. It'll give you a much better understanding of all the components under the hood (CQE, RSV, SDS, PRS...etc), and how to trace and troubleshoot them. The main Admin course does touch on this, but not as in depth as this 2 day. Definitely worth it if you are supporting a large env. Not so much if your a small shop and are looking for the best bang for your buck. If you can afford both, Git'r done!