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ETL, App Development and other tools => COGNOS DecisionStream/Data Manager => Topic started by: andy_mason_84 on 06 Feb 2012 03:26:37 AM

Title: Republished DataMovementTask needs re-pointing in Cognos Connection Job
Post by: andy_mason_84 on 06 Feb 2012 03:26:37 AM
In our system we have Jobs on Cognos Connection to allow users to kick of DataMovementTasks.

Every time we republish a DataMovementTask we have to open up the corresponding Job in Cognos Connection and re-point  the job to the republished DataMovementTask.

The job has the exact same name.

Are there any fixes to stop this as it makes what should be a simple part of the system very administrative and time consuming.

Does anyone know if there are any 8.4 BI fix packs that resolve this issue or whether this has been addressed in Cognos 10?

Title: Re: Republished DataMovementTask needs re-pointing in Cognos Connection Job
Post by: MFGF on 08 Feb 2012 12:22:29 PM
I don't think so, sadly. Although the republished data movement task has the same name as the old one, it's unique ID within the content store is different. I guess it would be possible to locate the old and new data movement tasks in the relevant content store table and modify the new one to have the same ID as the old one, but it would be risky and (of course) unsupported, so probably not a viable option.


Title: Re: Republished DataMovementTask needs re-pointing in Cognos Connection Job
Post by: andy_mason_84 on 14 Feb 2012 12:44:55 AM
I was afraid of that but thanks anyway.