Hi all...
I have [Insured Amount] ,[Product Code] and [Company Code]
so i have to calculate [Insured amount] with respect to [Product Code] and also for [company Code] .
so how can i write the expression to get related data.
Pl guide me on this.
Many Thanks in advance for any guidens...
total([Insured_Amount] for [Productcode])
total([Insured_Amount] for [Companycode])
Hi blom,
Thanks for the reply.
But here the particular product code must be present in that particular company code right. so can this calculatio help?
Many thanks,
Not sure I understand. If you fetch both companycode and productcode then Insured_amount will be totalized for the combinations of both companycode and productcode. This will not require any further definition of the calculation.
The totalization with an added context ('for' ) simply enforces that totalization will be defined against just the dataitem in the context.