Is it possible to create drill down on crosstab intersection members ?
My rows are like that :
Dimension;Measure2(cout distinct)
My column are built like that :
#prompt('p_Time','token','[REPORTING LAYER].[Time].[Time]')#
The complete crosstab :
January February March
USA number of searches 12 16 9
CANADA number of searches 5 7 10
The measures are a count of terms. If I click on the the crosstab intersection I want see the terms name.
Is it possible ?
You cannot drill down to it, but you can create a drill through definition to a target report to meet this requirement.
You need to click the unlock button on the toolbar, then you can define a drill through on the item in the cross-tab intersection.
That target report should be a report that lists all of the terms and prompts for country and month. When you create the drill through definition, pass the country and month to the target report.
Thanks for your reply. I created the target report and it works.
The issue is that I want display only the selected period by the click, not all the period between my date_from and date_to period... Is this possible ?
you can do that like this if your version is 8.4
if you have p_time having range (date_from and date_to) then in the target report, you can use [date column] in_range (?p_daterange?)
pass the p_time to p_daterange at drill thrugh report
Hope this helps
actually p_time is to select the level of time dimension to display
The target report should have a filter for p_time, and in the drill definition, do not pass the parameter value, but pass the data item value for the column header.
I have another trouble with the same crosstab. I would like to create a total for the "number of search" for a "country" for a time perdiod.
I tried total([searches] within set [RowDimension],[TimeDimension]) without success
Any idea ?
Ok I have that now :
January February March
USA number of searches 12 16 9
CANADA number of searches 5 7 10
Total Searches 17 23 19
I want create a drill down for the tota line. I unlock the crosstab and set define content to yes on the crosstab intersection for the total. But I dont know what to put in the data item.
The define contents is only when you want to override the value in the intersection, you want to just click on the text item in the intersection and then set the drill through definition.
Yes thats what I want to do. But it doesnt work for the total line.
In the define content I set that expression : total( [search]within set [RowDimension])
But when I click on a total value I can't get all the "RowDimension", just one.