Hi all,
I have 60k rows of data , How can i use value prompt ? incase split the value prompt user get more confusion, how can u avoid this problem?
Do you mean that there are 60K rows of prompt values for a user to choose from? If so, I suggest you consider a search and select prompt instead. Another possibility might be to use cascading prompts.
A value prompt sounds like an inappropriate approach since users can't efficiently wade through 60,000 possibilities to make a selection.
Thanks,Lynn.In case suppose these are 1 to 60,000 and i want to split it in to cascading prompts,then i got to code something such as 1 to 20,000 and 20000 to 40000,and 40,000-60,000.Could you tell me how to write a case statement to achieve this.Thanks in advance.
If u have 60k rows of data.
Then instead of Value prompt , Try Textbox prompt.
for eg If rows contain say sales emp name or any attribute field ,It would be easy for user to type nm starts with or use contains operator.
Quote from: barrysaab on 31 Jan 2012 08:08:53 AM
Thanks,Lynn.In case suppose these are 1 to 60,000 and i want to split it in to cascading prompts,then i got to code something such as 1 to 20,000 and 20000 to 40000,and 40,000-60,000.Could you tell me how to write a case statement to achieve this.Thanks in advance.
You actually believe users would scroll through 20.000 rows either? You need to build some kind of classification in your model to achieve proper cascade selection.
60K rows of data? Are you trying to give access to
individual fact records?
I agree that 20,000 is no less painful than 60,000....after a few pages of value prompts the rest is just noise.
Further, I'm not sure you get the point of cascading. It isn't to break up a large set of choices into separate groups, it is to leverage a hierarchy or relationship of some sort to narrow choices in a sensible way.
For example, if you want a user to select a country and your database has many countries to choose from, you could create a cascade so they first select a continent. Once they select a continent, a prompt for countries only in that continent would appear, thereby reducing the choices.
It doesn't sound like breaking up your 60K rows into groups of 20K really fits that approach. If you describe your data a little more there might be other options people can suggest. As it stands, I think a search & select or type in prompt sounds like a better fit for you.