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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: UseCog on 30 Jan 2012 08:28:14 AM

Title: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: UseCog on 30 Jan 2012 08:28:14 AM
Hi All,

We have experienced an issue when trying to use the "Link to a package..." option in Cognos to link from one analysis report (Properties of the analysis studio report). The issue is when the user click the "Link to a package...", and navigate to the folder where the cube packages are stored, some of the cubes are displayed with the radio button selection and others are not displayed with the radio button. Eventhough the user have full access to the other cubes.

I have checked the permission on the Cube model and it seems to be similear

I am struggling to find, where to check this information. Please let me know if you can shed some lights on this

Title: Re: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: UseCog on 30 Jan 2012 10:22:11 AM
Providing the write access on the individual cube packages does the trick. But this also gives the permission to users to save their report in the packages and we dont want to allow this.

Any ideas here
Title: Re: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: Grim on 30 Jan 2012 01:00:48 PM
Give them read and traverse, not write.
Title: Re: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: UseCog on 31 Jan 2012 03:24:33 AM
Thanks mate, Taverse and read doesnt allow them to 'Link package' option. any thoughts
Title: Re: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: Grim on 31 Jan 2012 06:53:38 AM
To link to package on the report, the report itself will need to be in a location where the user has write access. However to select the package, they will need read and travers on all folders leading to where the actual package is.
Title: Re: Link to a package... option from one cube package to another is not working
Post by: UseCog on 06 Feb 2012 04:51:56 AM
Ok. The report is in my folder area of the user and also the user have read/traverse access on all the package( and the folder which contains the packages), but the user cant link the report to another package

I am not sure, whether I lost something which you have already explained