After upgrading to C10.1.1 and importing the content store from C8.4 and allowing the impor to upgrade the reports, when attempting to open an existing report in report studio, I get the error:
The report version "" is not supported. Expected report version ""
It's my understanding that C10.1.1 is version 8. Why after doing a fresh install and importing from C8.4 does it give this error? Ideas on how to resolve it?
What were the exact steps you did and in what order?
Sounds like the upgrade of the CS didn't go through properly.
Point to an empty CS DB and let it create the tables from scratch. Import the same reports via a deployment. Same issue?
It was a clean install with an empty content store. I tried this with just the Cognos Samples provided and it behaved the same way.
I was trying to open a sample report in Report Studio.
I imported by content store from C84 and it behaved the same way.
IBM/Support stumped on this as well.
K need full HW/SW details.
Processor Brand/type, RAM, DB Vendor and version, OS Vendor Version....everything.
Did you install C10 into the same install location as C8 or into a different folder structure? Did you use the old C8 configuration files or did you do a new config from scratch in C10? Have you checked the transfer logs to see if all the media was copied in successfully during the C10 install?
Sorry - lots of questions!
The install was in a clean location. Prior version of C8 were uninstalled.
The issue on one environment has been resolved by re-creating the IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003.
Had a similar issue on a different environment and it was determined to be because URLscan is being used and is not allowing the URL for report studio to be used due to a ".". See the URL This environment was IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2. But I'm having a different issue w/this site now and cannot cancel activities via Cognos Administration; receive a 403 Forbidden error. I receive this same error when using the iPad app and running a report.