I can create a new report and run it in design mode with success. However, when trying to save the report, I get the error msg:
HAL ERROR: The web request failed.
404 - not found
URL: /dialogs/_O66.xml
Similar error if try to view the XML of the report:
HAL ERROR: The web request failed.
404 - Not found.
URL: hal/dialogs/_C99.XML
Any thoughts on what this means and how to resolve it?
Single server or distributed install?
If Distributed, was any component(s) running when you did any other installs including Fix Packs?
If yes, reinstall with services shut down.
it was a clean distributed install...new content store.
No components were running.
IBM/Support is stumped.
Are you running on AMD processors?
The issue on one environment has been resolved by re-creating the IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003.