Dear colleagues,
I'm creating an Active Report with some interaction between a list and a chart. The list contains products and some measures. I set one one of the products to be the default so that, when the Active Report opens, the chart is already filtered by that product.
But this creates a horrible background color for that list row, which is different from the rest of the background. I wanted the different color to be visible only when the product is clicked on, afterwards no color at all (default color).
Seems easy but I can't remove the ugly color... Any brilliant ideas? :D
Kind regards,
i am not sure if i understand you correctly, but did you try to modifiy/ customize the used palette of your list?
You are able to edit the style and also the color palette cognos is using. Select the object, then in the property window click " palette".
This might be of use for you:
In case you want to go deeper into the color customizing, you are able to customize the cognos xml style and color defaults, but this will requier some xml (and java, if i remember correctly) skills.
cheerz :P
If you are talking about the colour at the Background of the chart then you need to set the colour you need by following the steps below:
1.Select the primary Axis
2.From the Properties pane select Gridlines
3.There you have option for changing the alternate band colour
And if you want to change the Colour of the Graph line or Bar,then change the pallete.
Is there a way to explicitly set the 'selected' color when selecting a row in a list? I've found that the color used by default is almost unreadable once a row is highlighted.