Hello Cognoise Forum
A cube has 4 dimensions.
Sales Data
Departments and
I want to hold the Total for Departments and change some of the department values at the Year level . When I tried this the values are not getting split in other cells on pro rata basis.
Existing scenario:
E.g. Total = 100 (at Year level)
Dept 1 = 25
Dept 2 = 25
Dept 3 = 25
Dept 4 = 25
Expected Scenerio:
At Total Year column.
Total Dept= 100 ( Hold)
Dept 1 = 25 (value changed manually)
Dept 2 = 35 (value changed manually)
Dept 3 = 40 (Breakback by Analyst)
Dept 4 = 5 (breakback by Analyst)
Currently, when I do this, there is no change in the values. Any ideas why this may not be working? Appreciate someone sharing there thoughts on this.
Thank you for your time.
Kindly make sure that the break-back department nodes total or others do not have any weighted average or calculation on other dimension.