I've been ask to try to find the different licenses configured and used in our environment
BSP license auditor does a very good job for the used licenses, never the less we need the list ofall the licenses used or not used in or system
We are not using SDK
Does anybody know whare are the tables in the content store for
1. the list of calbilities
2. le list of who is using those capabilities
Thank you for your help
The number of license used that the BSP auditor shows you is as good as you will get looking at the content store. The content store does not hold the amount of licenses you own, you can only find the number in use. That is why the BSP tool has you key the number you own.
If you do not know how many you own, you can contact your IBM rep, and they can send you the information.
You can peek into the CS using the CM tools. See here: