Hi all,
I appreciate any kind of help on this topic from any body.I have to implement security in cognos through Custom Java Provider name Space.
I followed following steps.
Created a name space called PReports under Security>Authentication in Cognos Configuration with type as Custom Java Provider.
I gave a namespaceID same as name space name.
For Java class name I used the name as JDBCPReports.
Then I copied the given jar ( CAM_AAA_JDBCPReports.jar) file to <Cognos Install Location>\webapps\p2pd\web-inf\lib folder.
I copied another proeprties file ( JDBC_Config_PReports.properties) into <Cognos Install Location>\Configuration location.
I modified the properties file and entered the DB host name, DB name and port number.
Saved config and started the service. ( Still the anonymous access is enabled on Cognos name space )
I opened the portal and launched cognso administration console.
When I click on Security, I am seeing Cognos and the newly created PReports name spaces there.
But the link on PReports name space is not enables. Which means I am not able to click on that. Instead of appearing as a link, that namespace is apperaing as a simple text.
When I click on logon and tried to login as a user in that namespace, the portal is not doing anything, but simply giving message as invalid userid and password.
None of the people that I know were worked on security using Custom Authentication. It si very critical form to fix it asap.
Any help is appreciated.
Where did you get the CAM_AAA_JDBCPReports.jar file? Did you write your own code to validate a username and password against your authentication environment?
If you are using the sample code from IBM, you will have to modify it to work with your authentication environment.
You might find this post usefull: