Looking for suggestions here. Requirement is to display the correct level of the sales organization in a report depending on how far the user selects in the org cascading prompts on the prompt page.
Levels in the Org, Cascading prompts:
Zone > Area > Branch > Office
If the user only selects Zone in the prompt, show the crosstab report at the Zone level. If the user selects Area, then show the crosstab at the area level.
Two approaches to the solution that I know of:
1. Try to conditionally display the lowest level of org selected as the first row/column in the crosstab.
Zone is selected. Area, Branch and Office are null, then display the Zone data item.
Zone and Area is selected then display the Area data item in the crosstab
2. Conditionally display 4 different crosstab reports depending on what the users select in the prompt page. If users select Zone, show the Zone crosstab. Users select Area display the Area crosstab.
A variation of this link: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21339350 (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21339350)
Both solutions seem a little kludgy, but may be the only way to do in Cognos.
Notes about my environment-
Cognos 8, Relational Model (willing to create Sales Org Regular Dimension if that would be more effective), Oracle DB
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I personally do not find it ( = method 2) 'kludgy' at all. Based on what you conditionally display queries etc are executed. It also usually boils down to copy/paste actions and slight alterations to crosstab designs
Following up-
I went with option 2 creating using a conditional block. I created a multiple crosstab reports and placed them into a conditional block that is driven by a string variable.
The reports works great!!
Thanks blom0344 for responding and supporting this approach.