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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Azzoz06 on 19 Jan 2012 04:11:46 AM

Title: Using a slider to filter Top N countries revenue chart
Post by: Azzoz06 on 19 Jan 2012 04:11:46 AM

I'm trying to build an AR that will display the Top N countries in terms of revenue. I had it working on a list and slider with fixed values in the slider (3, 5 and 10) but I want to have a bar chart as well and this is where the trouble begins.

Top 3 should show for instance:
Country   Revenue   Rank
US            826 K$      1
Japan       357 K$      2
China        317 K$      3
And next to this a three bars barchart with countries on x-axies and revenue on y-axies.

Top 5 should show
Country   Revenue   Rank
US            826 K$      1
Japan       357 K$      2
China        317 K$      3
Canada    306  K$      4
France      286 K$      5
And a 5 bars barchart.

How would you set the data deck to switch from one chart to another one?

Title: Re: Using a slider to filter Top N countries revenue chart
Post by: charon on 30 Jan 2012 06:22:49 AM

so you say you use a data deck (for country, i would guess?).
Do you use the slider inside of the Data Deck or besides? What error do you get?

I think, it should not be a problem to get the list and the chart on the data deck, would it?It is true, you can not dynamic filter a chart in an active report, because the MHT files just holds the content and the design layout information, but no chart engine, neither have the web browser the needed chart enginge implemented.

Therefore, you need a data deck for the charts, might also need a master-detail-rel.
Also, you are able to create more complex reports if you use combined decks, means a data deck in a data deck.
Just keep in mind that this will strongly increase the size of your mht file, esp. if you use additional charts and images/ styles.

hope this will help,
cheerz :P