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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Snehalathaga on 19 Jan 2012 03:40:04 AM

Title: Chaning Library name in CAC
Post by: Snehalathaga on 19 Jan 2012 03:40:04 AM

I am Sneha using cognos 8.4.I have query regarding mapping web library to an application in CAC. I have taken the backup of the existing database and created an application in CAC by right clicking on the Applications and choosing Link to existing application. Application gets created and when i click on the application the see the Library name (under application Information) which is the Library in Analyst (Eg-Lib "A"). Is there any way I can map this application to a different library (Eg-Lib "B") in analyst. If yes can you please tell me the steps to do so.

Title: Re: Chaning Library name in CAC
Post by: ericlfg on 19 Jan 2012 01:27:03 PM
Hi Sneha,

I will attempt to answer your question, but some of the terms you are using are confusing.

If you are attempting to change the analyst library associated with a contributor application, unfortunately it cannot be done.  When the contributor application was originally built, it hard coded the analyst library number into this application.  You can change the library name itself, but the library number cannot be modified.

Hopefully something in my answer helps.
Title: Re: Chaning Library name in CAC
Post by: jeffowentn on 23 Jan 2012 10:56:44 AM
In addition, Sneha,

If you were to remove Library A and use a copy of Library B that happens to have the same library number that Library A had, you will still run into issues.  The Contributor application is tied to the dimension identified as the elist in the creation of the Contributor app.  Removing or changing the dimension that represents the elist will corrupt the Contributor application.

My first question would be "why do you want to change the underlying Analyst library for this one Contributor application?"
