Bei dieser Veranstaltung stehen die Themen Planung und Konsolidierung im Vordergrund. Wir wollen einen ÃÅ"berblick und Einblick in die Anwendung der Cognos Werkzeuge geben:
- Cognos 8 Planning
- Cognos 8 Controller
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme!
Kai Noack
For the non-German speakers, this message translates (approximately) as follows:
At this meeting, the topics of Planning and Consolidation are the center of attention. We want to give an overview and a view of the application of the Cognos tools:
- Cognos 8 Planning
- Cognos 8 Controller
We look forward to your participation!
Kai Noack
MF (mis)Translation Services ("garbling the wizdom of nations").
But if knacker would like to post this in the correct Forum group and put it in German then everything would be fine..
I think I will plugin that language translator I've been watching for some time now ...