Hi all,
When I run an Active Report from cognos connection (by simply hitting the blue play button), the report executes and then a dialog box prompts you to either open the report or save the file. If a hit save, and then open the file, all is OK.
However if I hit open, the report opens with all the images missing (red X icons in their place). Does anyone else get this, or know why it happens?
could you deliver some more information? Do you use cognos 10.1 or 10.1.1? What browser do you use?
Mobile or on desktop client only? Do you run it as html? Local installation or with remote/ on server (and what rights do you have there?!) Images or charts missing as well (might be a webdav issue?!)
cheerz :P
We have exactly the same issue / result, the sale report will run fine if run from within Report Studio. we suspect that it is because Active X is turned off on the server as part of company policy relating to IE 7.
Would be interested to know if this is the case for you too.
We use 10.1.1
Hi guys thanks for the replies. Charon, I take it you don't have this issue in your environment?
In answer to your questions:
Cognos 10.1.1
IE 8.0.7601
Desktop only
HTML (This is the only format option available).
It's a distributed installation. I'm setup as an directory administrator on the server.
All images and charts are missing from the report. Also a lot of the formatting is missing (report is left aligned and fonts dont look right).
As I said previously this runs fine from Report Studio, or if the report is run from the portal and saved before being opened. Other standard reports in the same environment are fine.
you are right, i didnt experience this issue on our installations.
You might wanto to try another browser just for curiosity...on the one hand, IE is the most optimized browser for mht files as far as i know, on the other hand IE also has some suboptimal security options/ settings.
To exclude browser issues, i would suggest to test the A.R. with opera and mozilla FF (dont forget the addon "unmht").
cheerz :P
I actually logged a call with Cognos, and they came saying that this is normal behaviour by design. This is obviously at odds with what you are saying is happening in your environment. I didnt push it any further with support as I could tell I wasnt going to get very far.
I have this same issue when running the Active Report using IE 8:
- When run from Report Studio, the images/graphs show up fine.
- When run from Cognos Connection, then opened, the images/graphs are missing.
- When run from Cognos Connection, saved locally, then opened, the images/graphs are fine.
- The same issues occur when I attempt linking to the Active Report from a regular report (if I've had the Active Report open in Report Studio, then attempt to use the link from a regular report, the images/graphs display, however if I haven't had it open in Report Studio during that session, they don't).
The Active Report seems to run fine when using IE 9.
Unfortunately, the client's company only supports IE 8 and this project will have no influence on the company supporting IE 9. The client wants the robust features available in Active Reports, however I don't think its realistic to train them on a run-save locally-open sequence.
Has anyone found any solutions to this issue?
Is it feasible for you to schedule this AR to run and save to the Content Store? When your users then click the AR name in Cognos Connection (not the blue Run button) it should simply retrieve the saved AR from the Content Store, render then display it. We do it this way without any issues.