Am using Series 7 Namespace as authentication with reportnet.
In Framework Manager, the sessions parameters available does not include User ID.
Other attributes such as User Name, email etc are available.
Any pointers on how User ID can be captured or additionally added ?
What does the $account.defaultName return?
It returns the user name and not the user id.
Eg In Access Manager:
User ID - '12345'
Pasword -
User Name - Test
$account.defaultName will return 'Test' ...I want to capture '12345' which is the User ID
I believe a custom property needs to be added in Cognos Config but can't quite find the syntax to retieve 'User ID'
Not sure on this one. There are Advanced Properties in the Series 7 Provider, but no documentation how to pull extra info from AM.
Even am stuck with same problem.
We accepts parameter from General tab as
Account.PersonalInfo.username or other parameter.
Do we have any object for 'PersonalInfo' to replace and get information from Usersignon tab.
Lajeesh D