WHY we go for DMR reports.
Difference on DMR report and normal reports ?
How to work on DMR report.?
pls let me know and come up
1. Because your users require OLAP-type capabilities on relational data.
2. DMR emulates an OLAP cube, so brings all the extra OLAP capabilities to the table - eg drill down/up, use of dimensional functions, member and set based reporting etc.
3. Use the same techniques you would use when reporting off an OLAP cube.
DMR means Dimensional Modeling reports. With DMR we can view the data in more perspectives. It contains Hierarchies, levels and members.
With DMR package we can drill up and drill down. We can create these DMR packages in Framework manager and Power Play Tansformer and we can view these DMR packages in Power Play for windows and Analysis Studio.
For more info read the FM user guide.
Thank you so much :)
Why we go for functions in DMR ? unlike in relation reports we never use like that...
Quote from: gonbravo on 06 Jan 2012 06:31:45 AM
Why we go for functions in DMR ? unlike in relation reports we never use like that...
There are some very useful dimensional functions such as topCount(), lead(), lag() etc that can make dimensional reporting very powerful. You can use these with a DMR package as it is effectively a virtual cube, but with a pure relational package not so.