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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: CogLady on 03 Jan 2012 04:18:51 AM

Title: Cooperate Identity in Cognos 10.1.1
Post by: CogLady on 03 Jan 2012 04:18:51 AM
Hi there,

im new with Cognos and have a question, maybe u guys could help me out.

I wanne change the coorporate identity in that case that when i create a new dashboard in Cognos 10.1.1 automaticly the CI is implemented (for example change the banner color for the DB in green). In Cognos 8 the system.xml file was the right directory. and in cog 10.1.1?? is there a difference for the CI setup between creating a dashboard in Cognos Connection or in Business Insight/Advanced? Or do i need to change the setups at the same place??

Many thanks from Germany  :)

Title: Re: Cooperate Identity in Cognos 10.1.1
Post by: charon on 03 Jan 2012 04:36:41 AM
hi :)

as far as i know CogConnection and CogBI/BIA are different cases. About customizing Cognos connection (Branding), hiding & adding gui elements there are already some great posts in cognoise.
Also, you can find some best practices in the user guides and on the ibm developer page.

If you want to "brand" your reports, i would suggest creating templates/ layout references/ classes (again, check RS user guide:)

cheerz :p
Title: Re: Cooperate Identity in Cognos 10.1.1
Post by: charon on 03 Jan 2012 04:45:51 AM
here are some links i have found on my search for customizing cognos, maybe one of them helps you out :) (great blog btw;)

cheerz :p
Title: Re: Cooperate Identity in Cognos 10.1.1
Post by: CogLady on 03 Jan 2012 04:56:27 AM
Hi Charon,

many thanks for ur answers.. i will check this out!

regards ;-)