HI Guys,
I need your help in calculating moving average...
I am publishing a package using Cognos 8.4 FM and using Cognos 8.4 transformer building a cube with package as source.
Month Prompt is available to select month
Problem Definition
I have to calculate moving average in transformer/FM and it should be available in cube to drag & drop in analysis studio for the business users and it should dynamically changed when the month is changed in the prompt.
Month End Name Total Current 2months Current 3 months
Calls Month-1 moving Month-2 Moving
Answered average Average
31/07/2010 James 300 30/06/2010 150 31/05/2010 100
31/08/2010 James 50 31/07/2010 175 30/06/2010 117
30/09/2010 James 100 31/08/2010 75 31/07/2010 150
31/10/2010 James 200 30/09/2010 150 31/08/2010 117
30/11/2010 James 400 31/10/2010 300 30/09/2010 233
31/12/2010 James 300 30/11/2010 350 31/10/2010 300
31/01/2011 James 150 31/12/2010 225 30/11/2010 283
28/02/2011 James 175 31/01/2011 163 31/12/2010 208
31/03/2011 James 170 28/02/2011 173 31/01/2011 165
Business Calculation
2 months Moving Average for March 2011
170+175 / 2
3 months Moving Average for March 2011
I need your help in calculating above logic to present in the cube...
Balaji TJ
Prompt? Analysis Studio? Explain..