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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Upgrading to Cognos 10 => Topic started by: Chowdary on 19 Dec 2011 02:45:35 PM

Title: *** Query Studio *** issue in Cognos 10.1
Post by: Chowdary on 19 Dec 2011 02:45:35 PM
Hi ,

We've recently migrated to Cognos 10.1 FP1 from 8.4.1 FP3 . We've a scenario where we are NOT able to launch Query Studio from certain levels i.e , If the Package is under Public Folders, we are able to launch the QS and if the package is located under 3-4 levels down the Public Folders we are not able to launch QS.

Case 1 : Public Fodlers >  Audit        -  Working / Able to Launch Query Studio

Case 2: Public Folders > Samples > Reports > Audit  - Not Working/ Not able to launch Query Studio.
We are not able to launch any Ad-hoc reports at this level

Error : HTTP 500 Internal Server

Server Error
This server has encountered an internal error which prevents it from fulfilling your request. The most likely cause is a misconfiguration. Please ask the administrator to look for messages in the server's error log.

Environment :
App Server:  Websphere 7 / AIX 6.1
WebServer : iplanet on Solaris 10
Cognos 10.1 FP1 / LDAP  Siteminder

This is Critical. Your help is much appreciated.

Title: Re: *** Query Studio *** issue in Cognos 10.1
Post by: MFGF on 20 Dec 2011 04:37:28 AM

Things I would check first off...

In AIX 6.1, make sure you have the following patches installed:

With Websphere 7, do you have FP5 installed, and are you running JDK 6 SR5?

I would check these first (because IBM will ask you to check anyway) and then log this with IBM.
