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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Sumeru on 13 Dec 2011 08:43:23 AM

Title: Is it possible to Drill thru directly on Olap source report
Post by: Sumeru on 13 Dec 2011 08:43:23 AM
Hello Friends, I have a report based off of the cube and i should be able to drill thru to detail report when i click on chart.and i used member sets with drill behavior enabled to allow users to run the report @ summary level for various periods i.e last 7 days,30days....
with the current settings its actually drilling down,and users dont want to right click and select the drill thru link.
Title: Re: Is it possible to Drill thru directly on Olap source report
Post by: MFGF on 13 Dec 2011 09:34:41 AM
How do you want them to drill through if not with a right-click? You are already using left click as drill-down, and you can't use the same gesture for both operations.


Title: Re: Is it possible to Drill thru directly on Olap source report
Post by: Sumeru on 13 Dec 2011 10:29:15 AM
well they got used to one click that takes them to target report. i know that its not possible for one click drill thru while drill behavior enabled,but just want to make sure before committing to that,that it is not possible.Thanks
Title: Re: Is it possible to Drill thru directly on Olap source report
Post by: cognostechie on 13 Dec 2011 11:33:47 AM
Give them a Crosstab that uses the same query as the Chart. The chart can be used for drilling down whereas the Crosstab can be used for drill-thru as it allows drill-thru/drill-down not only on the intersections but also on the Rows and Columns. Depending on your needs, use some of it for drilling down and the rest for drilling-thru.