Hello, I have a data item built like this :
#prompt('p_Time','token','[REPORTING LAYER].[Time].[Time]')#
My dimension Time has "Year","Month" and "Day" level. I would like to sort that data item with the business key of. I'm not able to do it... can you help please ?
Create and sort using a new data item:
roleValue('_businessKey',[Data Item])
With [Data Item] containing the prompt macro.
My business key are char format so I created a MemberDescription with integer values. I used something like to sort the dataitem
roleValue('_memberDescription',[Data Item])
It doesnt work. When I try to display that data item it returns the member caption of the month. Do you have an idea ?
Right click on the member from the tree and click properties. the roleValue returns any of those strings. So if memberDescription doesn't appear there, you'd have to find a different solution.
Your prompt is returning the level? Does every level have Member Description? You might be able to get away with something like
order(#prompt('p_Time','token','[REPORTING LAYER].[Time].[Time]')# , #prompt('p_Time','token','[REPORTING LAYER].[Time].[Time]') + '.[Member Description]'#, asc)
Thanks for your reply. I just faced the issue by sorting the dimension directly in framework manager by the member_description.