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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: charon on 12 Dec 2011 05:44:13 PM

Title: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: charon on 12 Dec 2011 05:44:13 PM
Hi all,

i am working on a active report right now, and having some troubles geting the tab controll (filters) right.
Situation: 1 Package with 1 cube and two other data sources, means i have 3 different declaration for sth. like departments.
What i wanne do is a tab button controll and/ or a tab controll to filter for the departments. The issue is, i dont get it right to connect the data items.

Department "Human Ressources" called in Data Source 1.
Dep. "HR" called in DS 2.
Dep. Human Ressources and stuff" in DS 3.

Behind these Items, there are the same departments, but they might have different names as well (e.g. "stuff level 1" in Human ressources in DS1, "level 1" in HR in ds2 and so on).

How can i get a working tab controll for these Departments? Neither works a Master Relationship nor the Wizard, i just dont get the filtererd results.
Im thinkin about creating new data items (union querys), but i get error messages out...

Any ideas? Would be awesome :)
Thanks for any suggestions
cheerz charon :P
Title: Re: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: MFGF on 13 Dec 2011 04:09:47 AM
You need to achieve a single set of distinct values for your tab control - just as you would if you wanted to display a value prompt in a normal report. It's messy, but you might consider coding a case expression or an if-then-else to catch the three variations of each department and return a single description for each - you could then use this description to drive your tab control.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: charon on 13 Dec 2011 04:29:10 AM
hi mfgf,

thx for your advice. And i think you are right, i have to use some "case when" -expressions. I dont like it...but thats BI Life, isnt it  :P

I will post the results once it works...
ty and cheerz :p
Title: Re: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: charon on 14 Dec 2011 05:58:41 AM

i still have issues with the connection of the different data sources...means, in the Active Report i just dont know how to connect the Data Button, which is populated with "Departments" (relational modell), and the dimensional Data in the Crosstab which is in a Data deck (Value = "Departments")

I can not connect with a Master-Detail-Rel., and also a connection between Crosstab (dimensional Data) and Data Button (relational Data). Obviously...
Also, the departments in the dimensional cube have some other declarations (cpm BI instead of cpm).

I was trying to create a new DATA ITEM in the Query of the crposstab, and used a case when syntax to adapt.
but its not working :(

Anybody any ideas how to connect them? 
Title: Re: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: charon on 14 Dec 2011 11:18:35 AM
hi :)

After aprox. 42192 Hours of crying and bleeding i think i fould a solution to the problem of connection relation and dimensional data in a activ report.

first, i created a static tab controll. create a new variable and connection container, delivering the label (e.g. "Human Ressources").
I have chosen the exact labels like listed in the dimensional data source so i can connect there without any problems, which was step 2. Crosstab and Chart in a data deck, value "departments" of the dim data source, the attributes = label tab controll.

Next step, the connection to the relational data, creating a new data deck. Creating new query & data item with a case when syntax (case xxx.datasource.department
when "hr" then "human ressources") and so on.
create a active report connection tab controll to the the data deck...voila :D

If sb. has questions about that feel free 2 ask,
have a nice evening
cheerz  :P
Title: Re: Tab Controll filtering from different data sources ?!
Post by: funkigreendog on 15 Dec 2011 09:53:17 PM
"After aprox. 42192 Hours of crying and bleeding"

Pretty typical for any type of troubleshooting related to Cognos.