I have an application which has around 4 cubes. The user can enter data in 1 cube and the data will be passed to remaining d-cubes using dlinks. When the user enters data for couple of elist items he cannot save the cube and also he cannot move to the other cubes to check the data calculation. This happens only for 2 elist items the remaining are working fine i.e. the data transfer happens fine and the user is also able to save the data.
for those 2 trouble elist items when the user clicks on save button or selects the other cube to view data transfer the application becomes unresponsive (not responding).
Did you check the Rights for those two E-List items ?
Also, is this the consistent behavior all the times ?
yes the rights are fine.. infact i can enter the data. but it doesn't get saved when i click on save.
I have restarted the services, server to get this issue resolved but it didn't get resolved.
At last I have created a temporary elist item & GTPed and transfered all the data present in the problematic elist item to the newly created temp elist item through admin link, deleted the problematic elist item and recreated a new elist item with the same item id and GTPed, transfered the data parked in the temporary elist item to the newly created elist item through admin link and deleted the temporary elist item and GTPed.
I know this may not the correct solution but I have to get the business going... :P
If this issue is preventing your business users from doing their job, log a ticket with support (assuming you have a support contract) and get them to help you...
The issue is now resolved with the work around I have mentioned above. But what I am wondering is what made those two line items behave in strange way. Does the GTP/reconcile failure cause this kind of behavior?
It could, yes. I wouldn't expect that the user would be able to open the elist items affected, but since a failure is neither a wanted nor predictable behavior, anything is possible.