Hello Folks,
I am developing a report based off of the cube with 4 charts in,meant to be a dashboard. so, my issue is, i should be able to drill thru to detailed report which is a relational one, upon clicking on a value in barchart.my bar chart is like having sales over a period of 30 days,so when a user clicks on lets say '50'(sales) units sold on 11/15/2011 it should take them to detailed report how those 50 units are distributed over product lines.
in both the sources(OLAP & Rel) the date format is like '2011/12/21',but still it threw me this error...."Expected format for date: CCYY-MM-DD.RSV-SRV-0042"
so i changed the date format accordingly in target report,but this time instead of error report runs but with no data. and i used layout calc to see if it is passing any values at all and i can see the date that i selected in source report. but it is not filtering accordingly in target report.
any ideas where i'm going wrong?
You need a detail filter in your target relational report that uses a date/time column and the 'in_range' operator
Eg. [Your date time column] in_range ?Your date param?
The drill through will automatically convert your OLAP date member into a suitable format to fulfil this parameter.
Snet form my fumblefingers
iPhon 5 usig Tapatalk
The date format in OLAP will never be '2011/12/21' because it will a MUN but you shouldn't have to worry about it. In the Target report which is using a relational package, try this in the filter -
[Date column] in_range ?Date Parameter?
This way, even if you have a higher level like Months in Bar chart, the drill thru will still work whether you drill thru from a higher level or a lower level like Days.
Holy Moly ! Your reply went in when I was typing ;)
Well i actullay had a prompt in my target report.so it was actually expecting a date of format CCYY-MM-DD, so i changed the date type in target report to match the format its expecting.it worked but only to an extent to see a chart with no data in it.
if i run target report alone and when i pass the date values in string format i see data for those dates.
Folks, do i need to check "Allow drill through for this PowerCube" option in Transformer PowerCube properties?
No, you don't need to, that's different. The data type for Date should be Date and you shouldn't have to change the format.
Quote from: Sumeru on 07 Dec 2011 03:34:49 PM
Well i actullay had a prompt in my target report.so it was actually expecting a date of format CCYY-MM-DD, so i changed the date type in target report to match the format its expecting.it worked but only to an extent to see a chart with no data in it.
if i run target report alone and when i pass the date values in string format i see data for those dates.
The formatting in the target report is irrelevant - what's important is simply that it is held as a relational date/time value. If it is a string, you will not get the date value(s) to pass in correctly from your source report.
Cognostechie, I was reading your thought waves and typing at full speed to get my answer in before you could hit Send! ;)
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Quote from: MFGF on 08 Dec 2011 04:33:50 PM
Cognostechie, I was reading your thought waves and typing at full speed to get my answer in before you could hit Send! ;)
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
All right then, I will remember this for the future. I am writing a code that will capture your reply, hold it for a few minutes and then post it . That way I will always be ahead of you :)
Thanks for your time MFGF and CogTechie, mine was such a simple and silly mistake.i overlooked a relational function being used in the report and deleting it made the report to work fine.