We recently upgraded Cognos to 8.4.1 from 8.3. In 8.3 we had installed the Cognos Audit Model and used successfully. We have a SQL db we used with the auditing model. I recently went in and updated our 8.4.1 config and added the audit stuff exactly as we had it in 8.3, went in to update the audit model and was unable to update the 8.3 audit model to 8.4.1.
Does anyone know...does the 8.3 audit stuff work in 8.4.1? Do I need to reinstall all of the tables?? I am at a loss...I thought it was be simple to just update the model after adding to the config, but it hasn't worked out for me :'(
I tried several times, and had the correct password set up in the config for the database (the database from 8.3).
The error was:The third part provider returned an unrecoverable exception.
Details:' Error during logon, [Java.sql.sqlexception: Cannot open datdabase 'CRN_Audit_log' requested by the login. The login failed.]
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I do not think upgrade is the right phrase. You basically install a new version when you go from 8.3 to 8.4.1.
The content store is created anew and you need to export 8.3 content into 8.4.1. You then need to make sure that datasources are recreated as well including proper signons
The audit model also has a schema of it's own in addition to working with Content Store. That schema gets stamped for the version. You will need to create a new schema in SQL Server for 8.4.1, backup the tables from 8.3 schema and restore it in 8.4.1. Whe you export rhe 8.3 content to 8.4.1, you will need to re-point the Data Source of Audit to the new schema for 8.4.1