Please tell me...Can we filter the chart values by check box prompt. I dont want to select the values in chart, I want to filter the values.
Yes, we (you) can!
(Should be in the official documentation 10.1.1 (google report studio user guide).
cheerz charon :P)
You sure about that? I thought charts could not be filtered? Instead you need to put it into a deck and select the appropriate card. Obviously only works with a small amount of values.
Yeha, ure right funkygreendog,
its possible with the data deck. And you are also right, there are limits to the amount of data 2 select, just because the mht file should not get to big (ive played a lot with mobile devices and A.R., if you dont use clases and apropriate filters, u will get fast up to 10 MB or more:S).
But Vish just asked for simple possibilty, and this workaround with data decks should do the trick.
Remember, a A.R. is not a cube or sth, just to get some extracted information on the way.
Still, i hope there will be some progress in this regard. As far as i know, ibm works on the issue that the mht files get so big (every chart rendered on its own). Maybe with a small chart engine, maybe with some compression on the visualizations..i dont know. We shall see :D
@ VISH: Check Data Deck option to filter Data in your charts.
cheerz charon :P
Hey Charon,
I'm developing some dashboards here and starting to wonder about what size is practical. What's your experience with it? What happens with larger reports (aside from obviously taking longer to download) - do they become slower to navigate?
I'm finding it very difficult to reign in user expectations, because they love AR once they see them, and want to cram everything into them!!
Hi Greendog,
ive chatted with an IBM empl. about the size of A.R., a number of about 10 MB was called out.
My personal experiences are different, though. Ive created some A.R. about 20 MB, and even more should not be an issue, because the Browser is the bottleneck here.
Remember, the mhtml file is web format and as this, just has 2 be interpreted by a browser.
Thats what i like about them (a.r.), once created the performance is great, just like a normal webpage. So if u have some low performance reports, just schedule them by night and burst them, e.g. by email (maybe not a daily report because of the size ;) Then the user is able 2 experience fast interactive report information.
Also, i am not an Expert, so sorry if i can not deliver any super secret information, just had my cog 612 4 days ago :)
My Advice...create some A.R. on your own and check it out.
cheerz charon :p
As well as the report performance, you also have to consider how it will be consumed. If you code a report that generates a 20Mb mht file, it will most likely exceed the maximum file attachment size of your email system, so then it becomes impossible to email. I would try to keep your reports to 10Mb or below if you can - to be fair you can get some pretty decent reports within this target size.
As ever, these may well just be the incoherent ramblings of a senile old muppet. :)
i totaly agree with mfgf,
you will be able to create nice A.R. within the size of 10 mb. Use some filters, dont use to many tabs in data decks and ul be fine.
cheerz charon :p
PS: muppets rock! :D
Quote from: charon on 07 Dec 2011 05:45:49 PM
@ VISH: Check Data Deck option to filter Data in your charts.
cheerz charon :P
Hi charon, I'm new here and this is my first post :).
I used Check Data Deck Option to filter Data in my charts. But it's is only single filter, I want a multiple data filter to compare some of product lines in my charts. How can i do it?
Nice to meet you all!
The key thing to understand is that charts cannot be filtered in an active report. There is no charting engine included in the mht, so any chart variations you want to display must be pre-authored and placed on separate cards in a deck (or tabs etc), with a single unique value driving the card/tab display. If you want your chart to show two or more product lines, you need to author that explicit chart and put it onto a card/tab you can select via a single option in the active report.
I hope that helps a little?
great explanation mr. muppet (so awesome :D )
Do i always have to use Master-Detail-Rel. when i want to "filter" charts/ crosstabs? Or is the active report wizard connection enough ? I think i need the M-D-rel, dont i?
Just curious...
cheerz :p
Assuming your chart is in a data deck, you need to link your chart to the data deck via a master/detail, then you use the active connection to link your data deck to the object driving the selection (a radio button group, for example). If you link the radio button group to the data deck but don't use the master/detail to link the chart to the data deck, your chart will be the same on every card of the deck (ie it will not pick up the different data values for each card when the report gets rendered).
If you are using a plain old deck (not a data deck), you manually create the different cards, and you would then need a separate chart adding to each card. Since the chart is hard-coded and not driven by data from the deck, there would be no need for a master/detail relationship - all you would require is the link from your radio button group to the deck.
great explanation, thx muppetmaster!
have a nice day, cheerz :p