How do you display weeks by selecting start date and end date?
I know about _week_of_year works for this one.
I have created ?Begin_Date? and ?End_Date? prompts.
This is for the bar graph.
When users select start date and end date then week1 or week 2... should display in an x-axis of a bar graph.
Revenue should be aggregated by given week by selected item.
Create a filter on your date
For example
[Date] between ?Begin_Date? and ?End_Date?
and the place your Week data item on x - axis
Hi Pricter,
My model is in DMR. But this code does not work. What am I missing here?
[Sales (query)].[Time dimension].[Week of the year] between ?startdate? and ?enddate?)
Error: Unsupported conditional expression
I thought that you have a relational model
If I remember well Sales (query) is a relational model and Sales (analysis) is a DMR
I do not have them in front of me but you have to filter the date query item not the week data item if you a relational model
Hi Pricter,
My real project has DMR model.
There is no week of the year in the model. I have to create a new data item where it gives me a week number when user select begin date and end date from the prompt.
How do I achieve this?
cast([Order Detail].[Time].[Date].[Date].[Date], date) between ?BeginDate? and ?EndDate?