I have a query subject, and I had add a couple of columns to its source table. Now, i want to add to my query subject at the package.
1.- But, how I do without "delete and create again" process the query subject?
2.- There is not a modify option or process like Impromptu at Series 7?
3.- Or this "1" is the only way?
Thanks in advance.
Select a data source query subject and select "Update Object" from the tools menu or double click to open it and then perform a test and say OK.
Thank you for your answer.
But, I had done this before, and nothing happened. Furthermore, I had log in as administrator on both, windows server and cognos, and do it again, and this does not worked.
After I did what you said, a windows appears and updated as its read, but in a second, this windows disappear and all new field to need be added in my query subject as query items, still does not appear into it.
Had I miss something?
No update needed!
Just search your table, modify or refresh the sql query definition.
And on your query subject, add from your source table your requiered fields.
Next, publish and save your package.
Thanks for all your help Lynn!