I understand EP 10.1 handles large applications with long e.Lists now.
I have waited up to 20 minutes for 150 e.List nodes to open but the progress bar seems to stand still.
It may just be taking quite a long time to load the data blocks.
I am not opening via citrix and other users are able to access multiple e.list nodes from the same model whilst im loading my 150.
Has anyone had any experience with this?
When the worflow is loading, is the hour glass spinning or is it not present? Additionally, in the bottom left corner of the IE browser (assumption made here), is there a little yellow caution triangle indicating a problem?
The other users you mentioned, do they have access to the same number of nodes? To clarify, when you say 'opening multiple e.list item nodes' -- you are only referring to the workflow (listing of all nodes you are assigned access to) and not a Multi e-list view that would be selected in the right hand pane?
To clarify, the workflow, i.e. the full list of e.List items (nodes/slices) that I have access to, displays perfectly. (approx 600)
My issue occurs when I click on the parent node (suffixed with "All)" in the right hand pane,that effectively has 150 elist items beneath it. Multi elist items views is therefore turned on and Im hoping to get visibility of each one of these 150 slices of the model at once.
After clicking on the parent (All) node, The progress bar appears and passes through the loading of each Tab, but seems to stop at the "preparing view" step. By Inspection, the progress bar gets to about 90%.
I can open 20-50 perfectly, and I extrapolated on a linear basis how long 150 nodes should take to open, but it just seems to hang a long time after Id expect it to open.
The web server does not max out at all during this time.
Penny for your thoughts.
I have reduced the Multi elist view down to 100 Nodes. It took 3 minutes to open.
Could there be a hard coded limiter somewhere in the background?
Am going to now test 125.
Hi there,
Generally having that many children beneath a parent is not recommended, even 50 is considered a lot. The applications' cells per e-list slice must be quite small as I've seen problems attempting to open larger hierarchies with the multi e-list view.
There isn't a hard coded maximum, but there is a limit to how much can be opened based on memory consumption of the contributor.exe (I assume you're version 8.4+?). It's a 32 bit application, so it has a 2gb (actually about 1.7gb) limit.