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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Nandini.t on 24 Nov 2011 11:38:44 PM

Title: Cross tab issue
Post by: Nandini.t on 24 Nov 2011 11:38:44 PM
I have calculated data items for rows and calculated data items for columns also.

Rows calculations :
1st row, X= [section code] ='a1' and [product code] <> 'b2'
2nd row, Y= [section code] ='a2' and [product code] = 'b2'
so on

Column Calculation :
1st col,A=count([claim reference])
2nd col,B=count([Policu number])
3rd col,C=[Booked Paid Claims] + [Booked Reserves Claims]
4th col,D=[C] > 150000
so on

all columns and rows inserted in to the cross tab and while validating i am getting a validation error called

-<messageFolder provider="CoordinationPlanner">
-<messageFolder maxSeverity="error">
<message severity="error"title="OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: {0}."type="executionStats">OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: <nodeRef ID="OPSummaryQuery::CheckQRDDimensions()"/><nodeRef ID="dimension="[MEASURES]"; edge="axis(0)"; edge="axis(1)""/>.

<message severity="error"title="OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: {0}."type="executionStats">OP-ERR-0046 Unable to support query items from the same dimension on different report dimensions: <nodeRef ID="OPSummaryQuery::CheckQRDDimensions()"/><nodeRef ID="dimension=""; edge="axis(1)"; edge="axis(0)""/>.


please let me knw the corrections i want to do to overcome this error..

Title: Re: Cross tab issue
Post by: Nandini.t on 25 Nov 2011 03:04:05 AM
please help me out....
Title: Re: Cross tab issue
Post by: blom0344 on 27 Nov 2011 09:55:03 AM
1st col,A=count([claim reference])
2nd col,B=count([Policu number])
3rd col,C=[Booked Paid Claims] + [Booked Reserves Claims]

These are calculations, everything else is not. I can imagine a crosstab with either column or row calculations, but not both. I am at a loss what you are trying to build. Can you give an example?