Hi Guys,
any advice would be greatly appreciated
I am trying to count how many times specific reports are run by users , using the audit package - heres my issue
i have a list report with the following
When the user runs a report in the database i am getting 3 records for everytime a user runs a report so 3 timestamp entries so then i used COUNT([Timestamp]) / 3 to convert the three entries back to one, however what i noticed in the database was some entries had only one timestamp for particular reports so using this formula had me dividing one entry by three, what i realised was these reports were run of a scheduler and all the other reports were run from the cognos connection hence resulting in three entries.
Does anyone know what the code would be for dividing the count stamp by 3 or 1 depending on how may rows are in the database for the report and the timestamp relating to the report.
i tried used the following.....
total(count(distinct [Report name] for [Time stamp] ))
however this gave me the total number of timestamps...any ideas