Hi...I have a data deck which contains a list which is dependant on two controls (drop down and radio button group). Each of these drives a variable which is connected to the list. My default view is supposed to be the empty card of the data deck, however I am finding that for this to be selected both variables must be null (which is never the case for the radio button group). My drop down contains a defualt "show all" item however when I select it, it simply displays the first card in the deck rather than the empty one.
Is the a way to specifically view the empty card, or am I missing something?
the default card is displayed when no condition of the variables matchs. You have also to uncheck the "Drop this condition if the variable is empty" option within the Condition Comparison dialog.
hope this helps.
Hi Lindero - thanks for the response.
I've found that when there are 2 variables selecting a data deck, BOTH have to be null before the default card will be shown. If you want to show it when only one is null, then an extra condition needs to be added to the container select expression of the data deck.