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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Nandini.t on 23 Nov 2011 01:32:06 AM

Title: Replacement of value prompt to date prompt error.
Post by: Nandini.t on 23 Nov 2011 01:32:06 AM

I have to replace a value prompt by a date prompt. since value prompt uses date data item which is in 'yyyymm' format . but since date prompt is of something like 'Nov 11, 2011' format so while using date prompt for the same date data item which is of '201111' format i am getting error called 'RQP-DEF-0354 The query contains one or more unresolved prompts. QE-DEF-0387 Invalid format for numeric prompt 'P_Entry_Month'. QE-DEF-0387 Invalid format for numeric prompt 'P_TRANSACTION_MONth'. RSV-SRV-0042 '.

Please guide me how can i overcome this.
Title: Re: Replacement of value prompt to date prompt error.
Post by: HalfBloodPrince on 23 Nov 2011 04:17:02 AM
Hi try this

Create a query calculation new_Date as

then disabled the filter on your date and add this
Your Date column=New_date

only check with the values for the month like its 201105 or 20115  my solution wil work for 20115.
if its 201105  then u have make some extra efforts as

create Year ->cast(extract(year,?Parameter1?),char(4))

create Month as->
If(extract(month,?Parameter1?) >10) then

then create New_Date as [Year]+[Date]

then apply the same filter
Your Date column=New_date
