We have Sale and Inventory data marts and there is organization query subject in both of them.As the two new organization came up for ex A and B.What the other cognos developer did is to create package for the new organization A ,he selected the required query subjects and right click and created star schema grouping in the namespace A.Is it the right thing to do and are there any other better way to go about this one.Thanks
Star schema grouping is just a wizard to generate a set of shortcuts for presentation purposes against a fact and its immediate dimension neighbours. It actually has little to do with modelling. Depending on the structure of the datamarts, yould would use the shared dimension to create a model that allows multi-fact reporting.
Thanks,blom.Could you please some resources i could go through.
There are both modelling courses and best practice papers, but each case being unique in itself it will be a matter of building and testing the model. You mention a Cognos developer.. Is this a trained individual? Are you suspecting that the model will not meet requirements? You would need to give more detail / examples to give us a picture
Star schema grouping is suggested by Cognos for presentation purposes if you are dealing with a snowflake schema in the background. That's what they say in the classes and that's what the book says too. In case of a proper datamart with facts and dimensions , there is no need for a Star schema grouping shortcuts. Like Blom said, it's just a way to present.
Thanks,Cognostechie,to be honest with still not very clear to me.