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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: Nandini.t on 21 Nov 2011 05:35:14 AM

Title: cross tab * urgent*
Post by: Nandini.t on 21 Nov 2011 05:35:14 AM
hi all

i have calculated data items(all gives a number values) which must be placed in columns of the cross tab. after placing them in columns of cross tab, iam getting the value in the column header and that too twice(in different columns). so i changed soutce type of the data item in the cross tab from member caption to data item label. if i do so iam getting the name of the column but not the value (number) in measures. so please guide me regarding this problem.
Title: Re: cross tab * urgent*
Post by: MFGF on 22 Nov 2011 10:29:52 AM

I'm afraid you need to give us some more details - such as what kind of package you are using - relational or dimensional, and how you have coded the expressions for your calculated items.

{Moderator hat on}
We sometimes get justified complaints from various forum members who get upset at posters labelling their posts "urgent" or "very urgent" or "too urgent" or "more urgent than the urgentest urgent urgency" or... well, you get the idea. Unfortunately it can be seen as rude and demanding. Nobody who posts replies and help on these forums gets paid for their time or knowledge, and contribute their time and skills simply to help others. The last thing we want to do is to make our valued contributors feel like they are being taken for granted by pressuring them to answer quickly. I notice you have inadvertently managed to include some of these urgency sentiments in the subjects of a few of your posts recently, so please take this as a gentle reminder (or an initial polite request) not to do so in future. Thanks :)
{Muppet hat back on}

Best regards,

Title: Re: cross tab * urgent*
Post by: Nandini.t on 22 Nov 2011 11:05:50 PM
hi MF....
I actually doesnt mean it, it was ofcourse a request for all but i didnt mention in words since  i was bit tensed regarding the report anyways sorry for that and thanks a lot for your suggestion.

Title: Re: cross tab * urgent*
Post by: MFGF on 23 Nov 2011 09:38:12 AM
No worries - but I guess you still need help with your report? Or did you manage to fix it? If you are still having problems, let us know how your calculations are coded and what kind of package you are using and we might be able to scratch our heads and come up with some vaguely sensible suggestions.
