My organization want drop down menu in the cognos connection besides my folder and public folders, it is like "manager reports" and when the manager clicks on that all his reports shall display like drop down menu from which he can select his required report.Is it possible.Thanks
You probably want to actually build a portal or a report to provide this functionality.
I'm sure your managers don't care whether its in Cognos Connection or in Cognos Report Viewer that this functionality exists.
Thanks, but i wonder could we achieve this requirement through javascript?
There are a number of ways to achieve this. For example you can actually buy an app which integrates into windows explorer and lets you navigate around the folders and reports in cognos connection in that way.
You could create a 'wrapper' HTML page whith the required drop downs built in it which calls appropriate Cognos URL's to render reports inside the wrapper (using frames) or outside the wrapper. Anyone with basic web development could build this.
You could probably do some tricks using the portal page functionality provided by Cognos. You could certainly build something with links, but it would be trickier to build something with drop downs.
To actually alter the way Cognos Connection works is probably the most difficult way to do what you want. But again we're just using terminology here - I'm sure your users don't care how it is built as long as it is reliable and it works.
Any of these solutions may or may not contain Javascript.
I think the short answer is: No - it is very difficult to alter the way Cognos Connection works, its much simpler to do this using other web methods.
Thanks, it.