Hi, I ma installing Cognos 10 on Windows 7 Enterprise Machine.
Steps I have Done.
1. Created CS on MS SQL Data base.
2. Installed Cognos all three components.
3.Add CS DB and test - Successful.
4.Restart Cognos Service- This is Running for Long time and Says "Unable to Start Cognos 10 Service" it waited for "X" time.
Thanks ,
I often find that I get a message warning me that the service did not start in the alloted time. This is just a timeout from Windows 7 waiting for a response to the service start command - eventually it starts if I wait long enough.
If you look at your services in Control Panel > Administrative tools, does the service show as stopped, starting or started?
Also, take a look at cogserver.log to see what is being logged as the service tries to start.
Start the cognos service from Configuration, not from the Windows/Services option. The details in configuration will tell you exactly where it failed. Among numerous reasons for failure, one common reason
would be if you do not specify and configure the Mail server. In that case, configuration will give you a warning and wait for you to respond to continue. If you started the service from the windows/service option, you will not see the warning and the service will time out eventually.
It didn't prompt about the mail server not setup yet and it is waiting for you to press Continue by any chance?