I'm attempting to upgrade my standalone laptop to v8.1 (analyst only) can't make head nor tail of the manual! I'm afraid I'm not what you call a 'techie' can anyone give me a step-by-step guide? I understand that I have to back up my .tab files, uninstall 7.3 and then install 8.1 but what about Access Manager? i would be v grateful if someone can take me through it. Thanks
There's no difference between 7.3 and 8. Just more bug fixes and a new splash screen. Just back up your libraries and move your libs and filesys to a place, do the install, and replace them. No big deal.
Many thanks for your help. I'm sorry to be a bit thick (as you can tell I'm not technically minded!) But am I right in assuming that once I've backed up the libraries and copied my .tab & filesys to a different place I should uninstall the current software (7.3) Once this has been done I can then replace the new installed .tab & filesys files with the ones I copied earlier. These should then enable me to carry straight on working with the new version. (The back up of the libraries being a precautionery measure) Am I right in also asuming that the new version will not have to be configured to the Access Manager I have ?
Again thanks for your help& patience. I guess I need to attend a technical course in the very near future!
You will also have to validate and apply the changes in config man. If you have Acc Man set up already, you should have any issues. All of these detailed instructions are in the manual. If you need more help, go to the support site and watch the step by step video.