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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: pimogo on 16 Nov 2011 08:10:18 PM

Title: Crosstab Error when Creating Summary Total against Relational framework model
Post by: pimogo on 16 Nov 2011 08:10:18 PM
I've been frustrated for a week now over something that may be as simple as a setting change, but here goes it.

I have a couple of crosstabs on a page. Simple crosstabs that do nothing more then break out [job_ counts] over 52 weeks and a couple other attributes along the top.

The first crosstab works when i pull [job_ counts] as the measure, and then create a summary total (select measure, Data->Summarize->Total). It breaks it out by subtotal and grand total (2 attributes).

The second crosstab does not! Similar structure but instead of  [job_ counts] i create a calculate field to get a Growth Percentage by week and the same attributes along the top. The calculation which i add on the query side is a simple (CurYear-LastYear)/LastYear.  When i add that to the measure and try to create a summary total or automatic summary, i get an error.  I've tried several settings (e.g. solve order), but nothing.

I've tried breaking it up in various queries, keeping it within one query, but i get to the end, and it does not like the aggregate.  Oh and this is against relational framework model, not DMR.

What am i missing?

ANy help, much appreciated! Please... thanks!!

Title: Re: Crosstab Error when Creating Summary Total against Relational framework model
Post by: pricter on 17 Nov 2011 02:05:21 AM
What error do you get?

Can you try to put the measure as a row?
Title: Re: Crosstab Error when Creating Summary Total against Relational framework model
Post by: pimogo on 17 Nov 2011 11:50:59 AM
Well now i'm getting this error.

The 'ces_currentmeasure' function is not supported in the context in which it is used.

Its structured like this now (note this is after exhausting single query approaches)... i have one query that calculates CY 52 weeks and another query that calculates LY 52 weeks. I then join them in a 3rd query so i can line up the same weeks year over year to get a growth percentage.